Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Time!

I hope everyone is having a good summer. The spring flew by and I have yet to make a single post. I just returned from a conference in Chicago and it was very stimulating. It was a training for the IB Middle year's program, a new position I will be taking on in the fall. It will be a challenging position and hopefully a rewarding one as well.

We have a new member of the family, Avi Ghosh, was born on April 28th. He is an excellent young man and will make a great global citizen one day. He hasn't told me that yet because he is only 7 weeks old. He is starting to smile and that makes it all worth it.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mid-Term Exams

Good day! PLEASE remember to study for your exams. This is a good opportunity to review some key concepts from the first few units of the year. Organize old notes and quizzes and study them, take frequent breaks and eat healthy meals. The night before the test you should get a good night sleep, so put your cell phones in another room. Form study groups with friends and quiz each other on old test questions. Make study notes that contain key concepts and drawings. List vocab words you still don't remember and restudy only the words you can't remember.

Good Luck.


Saturday, January 12, 2008